b'woman-led wine im-portbusinessinthe United States, found-ed in 1979. DeLuca and Zorad crossed paths regularly astheytrekkedfrom account to account in New Jersey. They real-ized they were philo-sophicallyinalign-mentwhenitcame to wine, but they also likedeachotherper-sonally.Whenthey learnedtheyboth lived a short distance apart in West Orange, theystartedhang-ingout,eventalking about how they might somedayworkto- DeLuca and Zorad in the vineyard with winemaker getherprofessionally.Nicolas Allimant-Laugner in Alsace, France.Awinebarconcept was up for discussion at one point, noare also able to work seamlessly on doubt over great wine.all major decisions. DeLucawantedtoconsiderad- To an industry observer, their ca-vancementopportunitiesinthemaraderie was apparent back before business and Bonhomie was lookingthey were teammates. Both are deeply to add someone. In February 2022,passionateandknowledgeablewith she and Zorad became official team- excellent palates. They also are highly mates.Since Woodswasinterestedrespectedandwell-liked.Manyof inpursuingotherpassions,hede- theiraccountsrelyonthemtonot cided that putting the leadership ofjust bring good wine but to impart FULLY INSURED LIC: 13VH12858300 the business he built in the hands ofsome of their wisdom in a consulta-PAINTING CARPENTRY the two women was the right movetive manner. They dont fake it. for all of them.Theyfacechallenges:thethreat & GUTTERS The agreement was reached shortlyoftariffs,theimpactofclimate after DeLuca joined the company. Inchangeonthesupplychain,and November 2022, they became the newbeing a smaller player in a world of INTERESTED IN UPGRADING YOUR owners of Bonhomie Wine Imports.conglomerates.Theyplantokeep GUTTERS FROM 5 INCH TO 6 INCH? Charlie built a great foundation.focused on maintaining their busi-We wanted to keep it alive and in- ness and expanding it where they see GET READY FOR WINTER dependent and build on that, saysgreater potential. Aluminum Copper & Colors DeLuca. Realizing that the opportu- Wefeelreallyfortunatetobe K-Style & Half Round nity to seamlessly step into their newable to keep doing this, so close to With 6 inch gutters and 3"X 4" downspoutsroles was rare in the industry, theirhome and from within this commu-first goal was to keep their existingnity, says DeLuca.you canhandle rain water more efficiently book of producers intact. Not hav- Visitbonhomie.comforin-NEED TO CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS? NOT A PROBLEM! ing investors and not being leveragedformationaboutthecompany has allowed them to enact their vi- andthewineriesitrepresents. WE DO INSTALLATIONREPAIR & SERVICE sion,startingbeforetheyofficiallyFormoretimelyupdates,follow CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE(973) 951-0606 took ownership.@bonhomiewineonInstagram. 1980 SPRINGFIELD AVE SUITE 9A, MAPLEWOOD NJ 07040 ZoradprimarilyheadsuptheYou can also ask a local wine shop TO sales function while DeLuca is moreforwinesfromBonhomieWine TOinfrastructure focused, although theyImports. GO TO SAVE WEBSITE CONTACTboth wear and share multiple hats.HankZonaisaMaplewood-based They have found that their strengthswine and food event planner, speaker www.xhrishomeimprovements.com info@xhrismail.com complementoneanotherbuttheyand writer. 32/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'