b'the integration of the garden intothecurriculum.The garden offers opportunities to explore math, science, art, lit-eracy, social studies, and even music, woodshop and drama. More importantly, it cultivates a sense of amazement, wonder, patienceandrespectforthe earth, continues Ziebarth. Beyondacademiccon-nections, the garden provides valuableexperientiallearning opportunities,helpingstu-dents build a strong, everyday connectiontonature.Insix months, the garden has already A third grade student fills out a worksheet pro- provided many life lessons. vided by Kaleidoscope, the firm that partnersMeganGottlieb,Far with Far Brook School on curriculum for theBrooksLowerSchoolsci-garden. ence teacher and sustainabil-ronmentalstewardship.FarBrookitycoordinator,says,Therewas Schools garden is not meant to besomethingsospecialaboutdoing just a pretty garden, Adams contin- the harvest with the first and second ues. Its meant to serve to supportgraders. It was the second week of the instruction that takes place here,November, we were dirty, our fingers and the learning.were cold, and it was hard work. We The schools commitment to in- had bags and bags of peppers, pars-quiry-basedlearning,collaborationley, kale, lettuce and swiss chard. It andproblem-solvingisreflectedinwas a tremendous amount of food, Lights, Camera, CreativityUnleash your imagination at Montclair Filmthis summer. Classes include: FilmmakingEditing ScreenwritingCinematography Acting for Film and TVDirectors Lab ImprovIndie Filmmaking:Podcasting Build Your PortfolioClasses for students in grades 612. Financial Assistance is availablefor qualified students. Space is limited, so register today! Go to MontclairFilm.org/EducationToby Adams, a co-founder of Kaleidoscope, talks to a group of seventh gradersMONTCLAIR FILM 505 Bloomfield Avenue Montclair, NJabout their garden project.feature story /13'