b'Amy Ziebarth, head of school, with two eighth graders at the first garden event last summer. She says the garden engages students in hands-on learning, teaching them responsibility, patience and the rewards of nurturing something from seed to harvest.but there was something about thisbagged them for the school commu-concretetaskandthatwehadtonity to enjoy. keep going until we got it done thatTherehavebeensomereally wassoamazing.Thegritandper- nice moments, says Gottlieb. We severancetheydemonstratedwaspickedacarrotwithtwoprongs unexpectedyetprovedtobesuchandonethatwassortofwobbly. a valuable teaching moment in theWe looked at a tomato that wasnt garden.Except for thecarrots, theschool We keep you smiling! donatedall thefruitsof theirefforts toTheIsa-Everye ortismadetoiah House in ensure the utmost comfortEastOrange, for each patient. intimefor Enjoy a modern profession- Thanksgiv-al environment and a caringing.InDe- Toby Adams from Kaleidoscope teaches kindergarten students sta . cember,theabout the garden.kidswent As a former faculty memberback into the garden and pulled upperfect. We all talked about it and of Fairleigh Dickinson Den- more than 450 carrots. The childrendecided that it was OK and that it tal School, Dr. Wisz now de- cleanedthem,separatedthemanddoesnt mean that we cant eat them, votes all her time to privateeven if thats not what we practice. typically find in our gro-cery stores.Wendy Wisz, DMD Whilestudyinghor-ticultureandlearning aboutthedetermination General, Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry andpatiencerequiredto cultivateathrivinggar-den,thestudentshave moreopportunitiesfor 250 Millburn Avenue | Millburn thought-provokingdis-973-467-0077 cussions, such as how does Saturdays and Evenings Available The garden provides valuable experiential learn- foodgetonourtableand On site parking | Convenient location ing opportunities, helping students build a strong,whyweshouldreconsider everyday connection to nature.14/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'