b"#1 REAL ESTATE TEAM COLDWELL BANKERYOUR DREAM, OUR MISSION WHAT OUR CLIENTS SAY:Debbie is so far beyond excellent that We would highly, highly recommend anywords alone cannot explain the enormity homeowners contemplating selling theirof her abilities.I was impressed not only homes to meet with Debbie. When we firstby her knowledge of the local met, it was clear she were extremelymarketplace, but also by her enthusiasm professional and she has an impressivefor helping us and maintaining close network of associates. She continued tocommunication during that entire check in with us to see how we were doingprocess, Debbies professionalism and if she could be of any help. Debbieexceeded any bounds of expectations. was simply amazing ~ Claire F.~ Ken M. From start to finish Debbie Bottom line - she iswas a consummate absolutely the best - andprofessional in handling any we'd be happy to attest toand all facets of the that in person.~Kevin F.experience. ~ Gregg R. We couldnt have been morepleased working with Debbie and herteam. Debbie has a wealth ofexperience (we actually worked with DEBBIE RYBKA HOWARDher 23 years ago when we bought the Team Leaderhome she just helped us sell!) andthus knows the market dynamics, Call me 908-591-4886pricing strategies, timing, etc. for asuccessful sale. ~ Elyse B. 3RD GENERATION MAPLEWOODIAN40+ YEARS EXPERIENCE HONESTYINTEGRITYEXCEEDING EXPECTATIONSCall Us Today For The Results YOU DeserveAffiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. 2024 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logo are trademarks of Coldwell BankerReal Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Anywhere Advisors LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. TheColdwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act."