b'BUCKS ROCK CAMP SOUTH MOUNTAINCONSERVANCYAlexandra Huber-Weiss Penni MalakatesDirector of Development Operations Director59 Bucks Rock Road P.O. Box 273 | South OrangeNew Milford, CT | 860.354.5030somocon.orgbucksrockcamp.orgMissionMission To give young people the freedom to learn throughTo serve as steward for the South Mountain Reservation, work-choice-based arts programs that foster individuality,ing to preserve its ecology, beauty, and infrastructure through creativity, and collaboration volunteer programs, public policy, and community engagementHow Can We Help? How Can We Help?BucksRockCampisacreativeandperformingartsFor25years,theSouthMountainConservancyhas overnightcampthatprovidesmorethan30world- workedtoprotectandrestoretheSouthMountain class programs. Campers, 11 to 16 years old, can exploreReservation. Wedependon volunteerstosupportour glassblowing,dance,painting,sketchcomedy,radio,varied initiatives. Join us and help maintain trails, serve as weaving, gardening and more. In order to make campambassadors at popular spots like the Fairy Trail or Hem-affordable to a wide range of kids, we depend on do- lock Falls, and participate in citizen science programs, nors who have a passion for arts education. We also relysuch as Frog Watch and the ongoing Pollinator Meadow on wordofmouthtointroduceBucksRestoration Project. Get your school, workplace, or scout-Rocktofamilieswhowanttheirchil- inggroupinvolvedas Trash Tacklersto drentogetanamazingartseducationhelp keep the reservation clean. Whatever atourpastoralsettinginConnecticut. your interest, weve got a place for you!MAPLEWOOD LIBRARY How Can We Help?FOUNDATIONSince 2018, a major part of the Maplewood Librarys missionhasbeenacapitalcampaigntorebuildthe Ben Cohen main library. The Maplewood community has support-President ed this noteworthy project with outstanding generosity,51 Baker Street | Maplewood raising more than $2.5 million. The library is a LEED-maplewoodlibraryfoundation.org certifiedbuildingwithstate-of-the-arttechnology featuring a spacious environment that is open to all. The Foundation depends on the help of our Missionmost generous community that recog-To promote and support the Maplewood Library nizes the importance of having a vibrant librarytodeliverimportantservices. how can we help? /23'