b'The Knapp EffectCultivating communityBY ILYSSE RIMALOVSKIWith John and Cathy Knapp showing the way,Back porch eclipse viewing was ideal thanks to these neighbors grew into family. Pictured areCathy Knapps extra stash of glasses. (Top L - R) the Siegels, the Haases, the Haineses and theGail Haines, John and Cathy Knapp, (Bottom) Rimalovskis. Valerie Siegel, Andrew Haines, and Ken Siegel.John Knapp (top middle) hosts the weekly Tuesday Morning Mens Breakfast Club in his garage, including (top L-R) Don Illingworth, Rick Beach, John Knapp, Bruce Schaffer, Jeff Kessler, (bottom) Tim Roe-buck, Jon Simmons, Paul Hartley and Mike Burniston (not pictured).I magine youve just moved to MaplewoodJohn and I have spent so much time togetherIn any given week, their kitchen counter might and the couple next door greets you within the last 30 years, he feels like the brother I neverbe stocked with neighborly treats. Next to Gails freshly baked cupcakes and an open invita- had, says Ken Siegel. They have tackled every- soup, youll find Treasures banana bread, Franks tion to swim in their pool. thing from pool maintenance to home repair. Re- biscuits or Thibauts sourdough. Inanerawhenneighborsbarelyex- flecting on countless shared moments, Ken says,The Knapps sloping treelined block is reminis-changemorethanawave,JohnKnappJohn cant help being helpful.cent of simpler times when children roamed freely and his wife, Cathy, have built somethingNeed a lift to the doctor, train or airport? John isunder the collective gaze of parents. These neigh-rare and valuablea true community. They haveready at the wheel. Need to borrow a folding table?bors look out for each other, reach out to each turned their home into a hub, connecting strang- Its already halfway to your house. Having compa- other, keep spare keys and always have extra ingre-ers,creatingtraditionsandshowinghowsmallny? John would like to pull up a chair and makedients on handjust in case. Good will spreads acts of kindness can weave neighbors together. their acquaintance (especially if cake is involved). like the scent of barbecue drifting from one yard Their example is a roadmap to living a mean- I started bringing things to John and Cathyto the next.ingfullife.Withanever-expandingnetworkofas reciprocation for their generosity around wel- From Beale Street to Wall Street tomultigenerationalfriends,theydiveintolocalcoming us to the pool, says Gail Haines, knowingMaplewoodevents and activities. They are devoted to family.how much they appreciate sweets or a nice meal. They make everyone feel special. And now, I just do it because I love them. WhenCathyTuckermetGoodLooking 36/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'