b"Book Report Explore Matters Magazine's story topics with these booksHow to Share an Egg:Sankofa: A CulinaryHomeseeking by Ka- Symphony of SecretsBack After This by a true story of hunger,Story of Resiliencerissa Chen by Brendan Slocumb Linda Holmeslove, and plenty byand Belonging byHomeseeking follows theMusicPodcastproducerCecily Bonny Reichert Eric Adjepong separated lovers Haiwenprofes- Fosterreluctantlyagrees BonnyReichertavoidedTaskedwithbringingaand Suchi through six de- sor Bernto host a show document-engaging with her familyspotlucklunchtoschool,cades of tumultuous Chi- Hendricksingherdatinglifeunder Holocaust history until sheKofilearnsthesignifi- nese history as war, fam- discoverstheguidanceofaninflu-unexpectedlyconfrontedcance of food in his Gha- ine, and opportunity takea shock- encercoachandmust itwhilewritinganarticle.naianheritageashisthemseparatelytotheing secretreconcilehergrowing Herfatherssurvivalingrandfather unravels taless o n gabout thefeelings for a kind photog-Auschwitz-Birkenau was aof resilience in the face ofhallsofmost famous Americanrapherwithhercoachs backdroptoherupbring- hardship. Includes a JollofH o n gcomposer of all timehisconflicting advice.ing,butatransformativerice recipe! K o n g ,music may have been experiencethe mili- stolen from a Black Jazz led her to ex- tary en- Age prodigy named Jose-plore her cu- camp- phine Reed. Determined linaryroots.mentsto uncover the truth that This memoirofTai- a powerful organization isamovingwan,thebustlingstreetswants to keep hidden, meditationonheritage,ofNewYork,andsunnyBern will stop at nothing resilience, and the role ofCalifornia.to right historys wrongs food in shaping identity. and give Josephine the recognition she deserves.Adult Services: 129 Boyden Avenue | 973-762-1622Children's & Teen Services: 1688 Springfield Avenue | 973-762-1688 | maplewoodlibrary.orgbook report /29"