b'Congrega- phie Scholl and the White Rose. Tova is one of the youngest people to survive tionBethWhen Sister Rose Thering died in 2006, thethe Nazi Holocaust and one of only five children El.Itwasheadline of her New York Times obituary read, Sis- who survived from her hometown, says Levine. underhister Rose Thering, Nun Dedicated to Bridging GapShe witnessed atrocities shed never forget. Earlier leadershipWith Judaism, Dies at 85. The Sister Rose Ther- this year, she was present at Auschwitz for the 80th thatithasingHolocaustEducationAwardwasestablishedanniversary of its liberation. In addition to being continuedin her memory and is a revered part of the service.a celebrated author, Friedman and her grandson, untilthisThis year, the award will go to Maplewood architectAron Goodman, founded TovaTok, (tovatok.com), day. And theStephen Schwartz and 101-year-old Holocaust sur- a social media account that educates youth about emphasisis,vivor Sylvia Ben Asher who have for years workedthe atrocities of the Holocaust.alongwithon a collaborative project with Legos that enablesAlthough the speakers and organizers provide SisterRoseyouth to understand and reflect on the Holocaust. a variety of perspectives, they are unified on one [Thering],The committee also sponsors an interfaith eventmajorpoint:theriseofantisemitismafterthe Rabbi Jesse Olitzky of Congrega- to make surespecifically directed to our youth to help furtherwar that followed the Hamas-led attack on Israel tion Beth El walking the March ofthatitwaseducate them on the Holocaust, says Levine. Or- on Oct. 7, 2023, has made educating about the Remembrance and Hope in 2022. not just spe- ganized by Maplewood resident Diane Beni, theHolocaust even more crucial. In addition, they la-cifically a Jewish experience, about bringing theevent will be hosted by Our Lady of Sorrows onment that fewer living survivors are available to people of all faiths. I think, especially now, withMay 4 from 7 to 9 p.m. The program is gearedshare their experience with young generations.heightened antisemitism in this world, what thetoward middle school through college students. There JewishcommunitydesperatelyneedsisallyshipThis year, the speaker will be Auschwitz sur- arefewer and partnership. vivorTovaFriedman,aPolish-bornAmericanandfewer The service at Beth El will feature Jud New- who was deported to Auschwitz as a young girlsurvivors born, PhD, who will speak on the theme of Re- and confined in a section designated for children.left to tell sistance and Resilience. Dr. Newborn, a found- In a recent interview with The New York Times,theirsto-inghistorianatNewYorksMuseumofJewishshe recalls arriving by train and witnessing a thick,riesand Heritage, is a recipient of the Anne Frank Centersominous smoke lingering in the air. I knew whattoshare Spirit of Anne Frank Human Rights Award andthis meant. We all knew, she recalls, referring toeyewitnessAuschwitz survivor Tova Friedman will speak at an interfaith youth event at Our co-author of a special anniversary edition of So- the smoke from the camps crematorium. accountsLady of Sorrows on May 4, 7 to 9 p.m. feature story /27'