b'Matters heart of thematterThingsthat Matter Since 1990 Get Up, Featuring Local People, Places and PUBLISHER& EDITOR IN CHIEF Get OutEllen DonkerASSOCIATEEDITORAnne Mandell Its good for democracy and your healthSOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER BY ELLEN DONKERRachael EntineADVERTISING CONSULTANTSRene Conlon M ya l jobe isandsales- towns have businesses that people want H. Leslie GilmanAmy Power GRAPHIC DESIGN r t h rto patronize. And our towns feature so Ellen Donker so itary.many events that you could keep busy Iworkevery night of the week. COPY EDITORS f r o mOfcourse,itsuptoustoget Charles Hammer home,inout there. For me, sometimes it just Tia Swanson frontoftakes walking to Maplewood Village CONTRIBUTORS my computer most of the day, and correspond with theto complete a few errands to feel energized. Recently, I Amy Lynn-Cramer Matterscontributors,communitymembersbought a pile of board books at Words Bookstore for my Donny Levit people mostly by email and phone. Because I dont mindstepdaughters newest baby boy. At the register, Jessie, Ilysse Rimalovski spending my work days alone, it could be easy for mewho I know from our children being in school together, Tia Swanson to hole up in my house. But I notice how walking withasked how I was and what my kids were up to. Joy Yagid a neighbor, bumping into an acquaintance, singing inOn another recent walk into town, I ran into a neigh-Hank Zona my church choir or catching up with longtime friendsbor ferrying her children home from school and learned energizes me.that one of her daughters had just started playing viola. Connections are life-giving. I am mindful to nurtureNear Roman Gourmet, I did a double take seeing a sci-relationships with family and friends and to be involvedence teacher my son, Tim, had had in middle school 12 with pursuits that bring me into the company of others.years ago and found out he was busy writing his PhD dis-There is plenty of research that supports how connected- sertation. On my way home, a neighbor and I waved to ness improves mental and physical health. Its laid outeach other. I noticed her son was almost as tall as she is. Please address all correspondence to:Visual Impact Advertising, Inc. in the U.S. Surgeon Generals 2023 report called OurIt feels good to be known and to matter to one another.P.O. Box 198 Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: The U.S. SurgeonIve also seen it play out in my own family. Know-Maplewood, NJ 07040 Generals Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Con- ing how much my daughter and I enjoy singing in our 973-763-4900 nection and Community.church choir, we have encouraged my husband, Rob, to mattersmagazine.comTheresalsoarecentdocumentarycalledJoinorjoin. He doesnt read music and has never been a part of info@mattersmagazine.com Die that further explores Robert Putnams work abouta singing group, but he has a good ear and could pick Matters Magazine is owned and publishedthe importance of social bonds. A social scientist and au- out his tenor part with practice. It wasnt until a church by Visual Impact Advertising, Inc., P.O.thor of the best seller Bowling Alone: The Collapse andmember complimented him on his hymn singing and Box 198 Maplewood, NJ 07040. MattersRevival of American Community, Putnam said back insuggested he join the choir that he actually did. He has Magazine is free, with editions direct mailed2001 that people had become disconnected from onestarted to learn the ropes and recently sang in our annual seven times a year to the residents of Maple-wood and South Orange and distributed toanother and social structures had disintegrated. The ideagospel music service, spending weeks learning the songs. businesses and surrounding communitiesis that we need to be together by joining clubs, houses ofWhen it was over, Rob was walking on air. He experi-totaling 16,000. Subscriptions are available to non-residents for $30 (U.S.) $40 (Foreign)worship and other gatherings, to foster meaningful civicenced the benefits of belonging and also learned some annually. No part of the publication may beengagement and preserve democracy. music to inspire his days.reprinted or otherwise reproduced withoutAlthough we are not immune in our towns to lone- So whats my point? Seek community. Text a friend to writtenpermissionfromVisualImpact Advertising, Inc. liness and the loss of social connection, I think we havetake a walk. Invite a neighbor to go with you to an art ex-more opportunities than most places to build commu- hibit or play. Join a cause with other like-minded people. CIRCULATION VERIFIED BYU.S. POSTAL RECEIPTS. nity. Many of our neighborhoods are walking distance toPlay pub trivia with a group. Volunteer at one of our schools, parks and shops so we can see each other on thelocal nonprofits. You will not only be enriching yourself READ & RECYCLE streets, at least when the weather cooperates. Our down- and others, but you might just boost your health too. 8/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'