b'Accountsareadd-edjudiciouslytogive properattentiontoJoin our newbuilding and solidifyingEXPLORERSnew relationships. We have a list of target pro-ducerswewouldloveProgramtoconsiderpartneringLEARNING THROUGH PLAY,withbutliketoaddBUILDING CONFIDENCE, ANDonlyoneortwoeveryDEVELOPING A LOVE OFDISCOVERY IN A FUN ANDsix months or so, saysENGAGING ENVIRONMENT!DeLuca.Inpart,itis asizeconsideration.Zorad conducts an in-store customer tasting with RonTUESDAYS 12-3PM. FALL, WINTER, & SPRINGIn addition to the co- Patel and Aglin Dailani, managers of Village WineSESSIONS AVAILABLE.ownersandfourwineShop on Maplewood Avenue. STUDENTS MUST BE 3 AT THEsales representatives in the New Yorkand her husband, Ryan, moved eastSTART OF THE SESSION TOREGISTER.market,theteamincludesValeriein the early 2000s. In 2005, she part-Corbin, who lives in South Orangenered in September Wines, a Lower with her husband and children, andEast Side shop specializing in a thenFALL SESSION WINTER SESSION SPRING SESSIONCarol Berman, another West Orangebudding interest by hip consumersSept. 9th to Dec. Jan. 6th to March April 7th to Juneresident.inthetypesofwinessheremains16th 24th 9thCorbin has distilled a broad back- passionate about 20 years later. REGISTER NOWground in wine and hospitality intoTheZorads,alongwiththeirActivities FOR 2025-2026!the role of import operations managerdaughters, moved to West Orange inScience ExperimentsNature Walksand has been with Bonhomie the lon- 2013. Four years later, having had aCommunity Field Tripsgest, more than 10 years. Berman hasfriendship with Woods in New YorkProcess Art 973-763-5460been in the wine trade and in winewine circles, she took a part-time roleStory-Time morrowpreschool.orgmedia for more than 30 years. TheatBonhomie.Eventually,Woods@morrowpreschoolsaying she has forgotten more aboutconvinced her that her approach and wine than most people know appliesknowledgewereconducivetothe to her, if one got the sense she has for- sales side. Many in the wine com-gotten anything at all.munity would wholeheartedly agree.VILLAGE DENTAL GROUPWine is connective. It is how De- DeLucawasworkinginITforDr. L. Dawn Christian, DDSLuca and Zorad got connected withWholeFoods,withaninterestin eachotherandeventually,Woodswantingtobecomemoreinvolved and Bonhomie. Zorad was raised onin wine, even studying to become aH =a small family farm in Kansas, some- certified sommelier. With no workealthything that informs her attitude andexperienceinwine,in2016shemouthdrawshertowardwinemakerswhobravely launched her new chapter in are honest agricultural stewards. Shesales with Martines Wines, the firstealthyBodyOral HealthCosmetic ServicesRestorative ServicesOrthodonticsImplants71 Valley Street, Suite 101South Orange, NJ 07079Eva Zorad and Angela DeLuca flanking esteemed Chablis winemaker Clotilde973-761-4800SouthOrangeDentist.comDavenne.feature story /31'