b'JEWISH COMMUNITYROBERT J. MILLERHOUSING CORPORATION OYSTERFESTHarold Colton-Max Grace MillerCEO Co-founder651 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Suite. 185Maplewood Livingston | 973.731.2020 bobmilleroysterfest.comjchcorp.orgMissionMission To take care of those who took care of us To raise awareness and funds for melanoma and to support local families facing unexpected medical crisesHow Can We Help? How Can We Help?For 40+ years, the Jewish Community Housing Corpora- TheRobertJMillerFoundationwillhostOyster-tion has offered housing with services for those 62 yearsfest2025onSaturday,September6atTheWood-or older. Our communities, including two buildings inlandinMaplewood.Proceedsfromtheeventgoto SOMA, provide residential options for seniors at differ- melanoma research, including the funding of a medical ent income levels and care needs including indepen- student grant named In Honor of Bob Miller. The Foun-dent living, assisted living and memory care. The JCHCdation also remains committed to helping our neigh-depends on the donations and support of the local com- bors,inparticularthosefacingunexpectedmedical munity, whose generosity helps us expand services tocrises.Tohelpsupportthiscausethat more seniors and modernize our build- is so special to the Maplewood commu-ings. We seek donations of all sizes, andnity, buy tickets, buy swag and volunteer skilled volunteers for whom serving thebycontactingusthroughourwebsite.senior community is a rewarding calling.SOMA ACTION How Can We Help?SOMAActionisanall-volunteerorganizationwith room for everyone, regardless of age or experience. Allison Posner &Iftheresanissuethatignitesyourpassion,odds Erika Malinoski are weve got a committee for that, from climate toCo-presidents education, democracy action to reproductive justice. IG: @soma_actionTo help further our mission, visit our website and sign somaaction.orgup for our e-blasts. Well keep you informed on upcom-ingactionsandcommitteemeetings. MissionSafeguardingourcommunityfrom A grassroots organization dedicated to fascism is no small task, but we can do driving progressive change it together and we can do it with joy. 22/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'