b'THESOUTH ORANGE | MAPLEWOOD MAPLEWOOD FOUNDATION COMMUNITY COALITION ON RACEFred Profeta Nancy GagnierPresident Executive DirectorP.O. Box 433 | Maplewood516 Prospect Streetthemaplewoodfoundation.org Maplewood | 973.761.6116 communitycoalitiononrace.orgMission Mission To invest donations in a permanent and growing fund soTo build and sustain a community that is racially, we can provide annual grants to nonprofit organizationsculturally, and socially integrated and truly inclusive that improve the quality of life of Maplewood residents where there is equity and equality for allHow Can We Help? How Can We Help?Inourfirsttwoyears,theFoundationgaveatotalA thriving racially integrated and equitable community of$120,000tononprofitsnewandestablishedwhere people of all races, faiths, and backgrounds can live thatlaunchedorexpandedimpactfulprogramsforfree from fear and discrimination relies on the commit-Maplewoodians.Thatwasonlypossiblethroughthement and participation of its residents. Volunteer on one generosityofourdonorsandsponsors.In2025,weof our committees to help shape initiatives that promote hope to give away $90,000 in grants. We ask our neigh- equity and inclusion. Participate in events such as Con-bors to consider joining us in investing in Maplewoodversations on Race, Juneteenth celebrations, Integrated with a gift of any size. Remember, a giftArtsCircles,andanti-bias/anti-racism in 2025 enables us to give grants forever! trainings. Your involvement and contribu-tions help us build lasting change to cre-ate a more just and inclusive community.THE SOUTH ORANGE-How Can We Help?MAPLEWOOD ADULT SCHOOLTheSouthOrange-Maplewood AdultSchoolserves our community with more than 200 affordable class-The Adult School Staff es,lectures,andeventseachyearforthecurious, 17 Parker Avenue, Room A110 the creative and the adventurous. We do it in large Maplewood | 973.378.7620 part through your support. SOMAS does not receive fundingfrommunicipalorschoolbudgets.Your somadultschool.orgsupportanddonationsgratefullyappreciatedin any amounthelp us continue to pro-Missionvide opportunities for lifelong learn-To inspire, engage, empower and connect to our inclusiveingthatareaccessibletoeveryone. and diverse community through innovative education24/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'