b'Matters This nursery student was at Far Brook Schools inaugural garden event, a collaboration with Kaleidoscope Garden Design that offered fun garden stewardship workshops to acquaint families and faculty with this latest hands-on teaching tool. Photo by Sofia Tom.MAGAZINE TheMagazineofMaplewoodandSouthOrangecontentsVol. 36 Issue 2 Hearth + Home 2025in every issue in this issueHeart of the Matter8 12Cultivating Growthget up, get out far brook schools new garden inspires learning New Businesses10 and discoverysay hello16Making Music for the Thrill of ItEvents that Matter10 south orange symphony celebrates 75 years of a around the townsmusical communityBook Report29 20How Can We Help?explore these book recommendations meet our local nonprofit leadersFinding Home33 26Remember and Tellthe right agent for many moves soma holocaust remembrance service urges us to never forgetFood Matters34 30Your Unknown Source forbringing the block together Quality WineResource Guide41 a south orange business works to elevate the local local sources wine gameFinal Matters42 36The Knapp Effectbringing italian citizenship home cultivating community16 26 30 36Take Matters Magazine with you. Read us online.6/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'